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Transfer Credit

Past coursework and experiential learning may be applicable to a student’s academic program and will be evaluated for potential course credit or used to justify a course waiver. We will abide by all rules and regulations issued by accreditors or government agencies when evaluating and granting credit or waivers for past coursework and experiential learning.

The standards used for the evaluation of transfer credit will follow the New England Commission on Higher Education endorsement of the Joint Statement on the Transfer and Award of Credit supported by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers, the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, and the American Council on Education, which look at, (1) the educational quality of the learning experience which the student seeks to transfer; (2) the nature, content, and level of the learning experience as compared to that offered by NU; and (3) the appropriateness and applicability of the learning experience to the programs offered and consideration of the student's educational goals.

  • To receive credit, a transcript or certificate must be an official document based on the credit-granting entity’s definition of “official.” The official document must be received directly by Admissions or the Registrar’s Office from the awarding entity.

  • Grade quality points are not awarded or calculated into a student’s Norwich cumulative grade point average when a student is awarded credit for past coursework or prior learning.

  • All courses submitted for evaluation will be evaluated for potential credit.

  • Transfer credits or prior learning is not limited; however, when accepted credits or courses exceed the stated residency requirement, transfer or prior learning credits may not fulfill a requirement(s). Residency is a required number of credits or specific courses that must be taken at Norwich.  When credits exceed the residency requirement, arrangements will be made between the student and advisor or the department head to determine what coursework will be taken at Norwich to meet the residency requirement.

College or University Credit

  • A course will be reviewed when issued by an accreditation body recognized by the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or by the Department of Education. International universities must be recognized according to their country’s regulations.  A syllabus may be requested when a course description is not sufficient. The threshold of majority match in course outcomes will be used to determine course equivalence (1:1) otherwise a course elective will be assigned. 

  • A transfer course grade is identified with the grade of “T” followed by the respective grade earned at the institution, e.g. “TB-,” so that the course is applied following program requirements. Quarter credit hours or units will be converted to semester credits. A quarter credit is divided by 1.5. For example, 5 quarter credits equals 3.3 semester credits.

  • When a transfer course is assessed as equivalent but has fewer credits than the equivalent Norwich course, only the credit hours earned will be applied. When the transfer course credits exceed a Norwich course, all credits earned will be applied.

  • Undergraduate Programs

    • A course that is remedial in nature (often with a course number below 100) is not eligible for transfer. The course may be posted to the student record to fulfill a prerequisite requirement but will not carry credit hours.

    • A student who has earned a bachelor’s degree, or an associate of arts or associate of science degree from an accredited institution recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the Department of Education will have the General Education Goals satisfied. In instances where a course within a General Education Goal also fulfills a major requirement, the course must be satisfied with the transferred equivalent course or taken as part of the major.

    • An earned degree determined to be equivalent to a U.S. degree is considered equivalent to the U.S. degree level at the associate or bachelor’s degree level.

  • Graduate Programs

    • Each Graduate Program Director evaluates eligible graduate-level courses for transfer credit. Grade quality points of 3.0 (B) or higher are eligible for evaluation

    • A graduate program may elect to offer a Prior Learning Assessment.

Prior Learning

A non-college course experience or a combination of training and professional experience sometimes equips students with some of the knowledge, skills, and abilities that they would acquire in a formal college-level classroom. Therefore, students with completed examinations, or through professional training in combination with professional or work experience will be reviewed for credit consideration.

National Exams

  • Advanced Placement (AP)- An Advanced Placement score report must be sent directly from College Board, Code: 3669.

  • Advanced Standing/Credit Business and Technology Education Council/Cambridge International-Advanced Diploma Level 3 and BTEC National Diploma will be reviewed for advanced standing and/or academic credit of up to 30 semester hours, when the subject matter is deemed acceptable. A-Level courses with a C or higher are recognized for college credit of up to 30 semester hours of credit. AS-Level courses with a C or higher are recognized for college credit of up to 15 semester hours of credit.

  • College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) – A Subject Examinations of the College Level Examination Program score report must be sent directly from College Board, Code: 3669.

  • International Baccalaureate Organization Program (IB) - Standard and higher-level examinations will be evaluated for course credit.

Military Credit and Workforce Training 

  • Consideration for college-level coursework is available when evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE). Official Military transcripts or supporting documentation is required or a DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) exam scores. Assessment considerations to determine equivalency or elective credit will follow The Guide to the Evaluation of Military Experiences in the Armed Services for Military Training.

  • Workforce training will follow The ACE National Guide. The award of course credit for Military Training complies with Veterans Administration regulations and guidelines as well as with the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Department of Defense for the award of Tuition Assistance (TA) to active duty military students as they pertain to transfer credits. 

Additional Learning Opportunities

  • An Online Course Provider is a non-college entity offering “coursework” with the potential to translate into credit-bearing coursework. 

  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available for anyone to enroll to sample a college course.  Consideration for a credit-bearing course or a course waiver is available from an Online Course Provider or MOOC by following the Norwich ACE policy. There is no limitation to the sequence of coursework taken. These pathways must follow the Transient Course Permission policy and an official transcript or proof of completion is required. When the course is not ACE recommended, the Department Chair/Director may assess the coursework following the Course Equivalency for Credit/Exemption policy. 

Professional Experience

A student who believes they have achieved a course’s learning outcomes through professional experience is encouraged to complete an assessment of their knowledge. Examples of professional experience are but are not limited to, job training or earning a professional certificate. A student who was ineligible to receive credit through one of the transfer credit pathways is not eligible for a prior learning assessment. An assessment may be completed one time and cannot be taken after the degree is earned at the level the course is offered.

Guiding principles

  • The academic department will determine the assessment method.

  • The academic department may decline the request and require a nationally normed assessment like CLEP. Applicable fees are the responsibility of the student.

  • The assessment method will be provided to the student in advance.

  • Prior learning to be assessed as a free/open elective will be determined through a certificate or artifact submission to the Committee on Academic Standing and Degrees.

  • Credit hours will be determined as follows:

    • Zero credits will be awarded when the assessment is offered as a course waiver.

    • Convert experiential learning to credit hours.

      • Continuing education units (CEU) 10 Continuing Education Units (CEU) equals 1 credit. T

      • Documented professional training hours of 100-hours equals 1 credit.

      • Credits shall not exceed the published course credit hours.

      • Experiential learning accepted as a free/open elective will not exceed three credits.

      • An assessment where time cannot be measured will be awarded as the published course credit.

Assessment Methods

  • Certificate or artifact submission

  • Course examination for credit or waiver

  • Previously assessed prior learning

    • A prior learning assessment transcribed by another higher education entity will be reviewed for applicability to a Norwich program.

Articulation Agreements

Articulation agreements are unified agreements between Norwich University and partner organizations. A student who transfers to Norwich under an Articulation agreement shall follow transfer regulations according to the specific articulation agreement.

Current Students and Coursework Off-Campus

International Study
Degree-seeking students who are interested in studying outside of the United States will follow the Transient Student Policy and follow the Transfer Credit policy. For a program offered through a Norwich study abroad program should contact the International Center for information on application procedures. Upon coursework completion, the student must provide an official transcript of the coursework completed. When a transcript cannot be obtained in English, the student must submit the transcript through a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) approved agency. The University reserves the right to accept or reject transcripts and to ask for additional information if deemed necessary.

Transient Course (NU student taking a course at another institution)
A degree-seeking student who wishes to earn credit at another accredited institution must have written approval from their academic advisor in the form of the signed Transient Course form. To determine course transferability, the subject Department Chair/Program Director will review the course when the course is not articulated. A course taken off campus is held to the Transfer Credit Policy and program grade rules (see also Course Repeat policy). A student must also meet residency requirements; e.g. hours earned at Norwich University.

Transfer Credit Appeal

If a student wishes to appeal a transfer credit decision, s/he may submit a copy of the syllabus from the course in question to the Office of the Registrar no later than 90 days from the date of the transfer evaluation. Appeals will go to, and may be granted by the program designee and amended on the student’s record. When cases of unusual or extenuating circumstances occur, a student may appeal the transfer credit decision beyond the 90-day limit.